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Hinduism, referred to as Sanatana Dharma or “Eternal way.”


Dharma, in Hindu belief and practice, is what holds the universe together. It means “duty,” “correct practice,” and “truth.”

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1. The Sruti Scriptures

"that which is heard"


2. The Smriti Scriptures

"that which is remembered"


In Hinduism, there is a belief in three highest deities called Trimurthi who fulfill different functions in the universe.

1. Brahma, the creator

2. Vishnu, the preserver

3. Shiva, the destroyer

Karma, Samsara, and Moksha

For Hinduism, karma means "action," but more so, the consequence of one's action.

Samsara is the cycle of birth-death-rebirth.

To end the wheel of samsara, moksha must be achieved. This is when the soul no longer looks for material things and is practiced through religious rituals.

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Introduction to Hinduism by Oprah Winfrey Network
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