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Siddharta Gautama, known as the Buddha which means “the Enlightened One,” “the Awakened One,” or “the One Who Knows,” is a central figure in Buddhism.

Buddhism builds around Siddharta Gautama’s experience of enlightenment. Buddha offered a pathway to understand the nature of suffering and how it can be overcome. 

Buddhism is a religion

- ritual practices in honouring the Buddha

- religious features of monastic Order

- importance of belief in the Buddha’s teaching 

Buddhist Scriptural Canon
- a list of books that define matters of doctrine and disciplin
 - the books contain discourses between the Buddha and his disciples called suttas (or sutras in Sanskrit)
- also contains code of monastic conduct, commentaries, and stories about the Buddha and his disciples.


The Wheel of the Dharma

The Wheel of the Dharma

This image shows the Wheel of the Dharma containing the Noble Eightfold Path.

A portrait of Siddharta Gautama

A portrait of Siddharta Gautama

Some devout Buddhists have this portrait in their homes.

Golden figurine of Buddha

Golden figurine of Buddha

Collections of golden Buddha figurines.

Statue of Buddha

Statue of Buddha

Giant statue of Buddha in a temple.

Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama

Dalai Lamas are important monks in Tibetan Buddhism.

Panca Sila

Panca Sila

The taking of the precepts demonstrates Buddhism's emphasis on personal responsibility in one's moral decisions.

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths was the subject of the Buddha's first discourse or sermon, which is recorded in Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (The Discourse on the Wheel of Dhamma).

Introduction to Buddhism by Oprah Winfrey Network
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